Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

Baby Riley loves to sleep.  I know I shouldn't write this but she sleeps through the night every night!  She has been a great sleeper since the get go.  She usually goes down around 11pm and doesn't wake up until 6:30am or so.  All new mothers are going to scream when they read this and I'm sure I'm jinxing myself here but I just had to share since its so unreal she sleeps so much already! Last night she went down at 11:45pm and I had to wake her up at 7:30am.  So here is a video of me waking her up out of her swaddle. 
Riley is almost 6 weeks old!  I took a picture of her at the one month which I will do each month to show her growth.  She had a great pediatrician appointment last week.  She is 23 inches long which was the 99th percentile for her age!  She weighed in at 10lbs 13ozs which is in the 85th percentile.  She is growing like a weed!  I am having so much fun staying home with her.  She is so wonderful and such a blessing!

This was taken on a walk around the block.  She always falls asleep on walks!

Taken on Memorial Day in her cute dress with matching socks.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Like Mother, Like Daughter

One is a picture of me at 3 days old; the other a picture of Riley at 3 days old....which one is which?

I think she got her long fingers from me. :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Growing Baby

Riley is almost one month old!  Time has FLOWN by.  She has been such an easy baby to care for so far.  I say that now, but this is the first day alone with her.  My mom has been staying with me since Friday so I have had much appreciated help so far.  Now I'm solo.  Matt will travel this week and be gone for two nights in a row too.  So this should be interesting.  But she has been sleeping really well at night.  Last night she slept from 12am to 6am.  Then I fed her and she took a nap from 7am to 9am. So I can't complain.  Life is wonderful. Here are some of the latest pics of our growing baby. 
Grandma Sykes happy to hold a sleepy baby

Riley spit up on me.  I tried to use the red eye function but it just made black dots so disregard her eyes in this pic.

Doting Grandparents

Our first walk outside int he Bjorn.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Two Weeks Old!

Riley is two weeks old today!  She is just the sweetest.  She doesn't do too much but sleep, pee, poo, eat and cry but for some reason she just fascinates us.  We love to just stare at her.  Motherhood has been great so far but I think that I have had it easy since my mom is still here helping me out so I haven't had to experience the days without help yet.  One thing that surprised me about Riley is how gassy she is.  I mean...she loves to burp and fart up a storm!  Really loud ones too.  But she has been a blessing and we love every smelly stink bomb she makes!  Here are the latest pics of baby Riley.
Mat brought this onesie home from Austin when he visited last October.  Unfortunately Riley had an enormous "incident" in it and we had to toss it. 

We caught her in the middle of a big yawn. 

One of our many naps together.  Matt took this without me knowing.