Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Two-For-One: Riley Stands and Riley Walks...all-in-one

So Riley decides that instead of transitioning from being able to stand unassisted and then working her way up to taking some steps she decides to do both on the SAME DAY.  That's right.  One minute she was standing by herself and then minutes later she started taking her first steps! We are so proud of her!  And the kicker is that I actually got her first steps EVER on video.  I can't believe that happened.  I was poised and positioned to get the action and she didn't disappoint!  She had been standing and walking on her own since (the most she can take unassisted is 5 steps).  We are in true amazement that she is already at this milestone. 

I don't think she liked the bow.
Still loves Rockin' Rafi!

Standing for the first time!

We also got to partake in some adult beverages at the CityBeat San Diego Beer Festival on Saturday.  It was so much fun!  We got to try some pretty awesome local brews and got to listen to some awesome local bands.  We had a blast!  We are so fortunate to have some ridiculously badass microbreweries here in SD.  We love it. 

Sunday was Easter so we decided to walk up to the church on our street which is the same one we meandered into on Christmas Eve after the Catholic Church changed their mass time and our options were to go to the Spanish Mass or come back for the midnight Mass.  So the Easter Service was great.  Riley was a champ.  While other babies were crying, she made a few moans but was wonderful.  She is just such a treat!

The next big event is Riley's first birthday so stay tuned for the main event!  XOXO