Sunday, October 30, 2011

Adios East Coast

Tomorrow the movers come to pack up our stuff.  I can't believe we are moving!  It's hard to believe we will be living in La Jolla in a week.  Before moving Riley had a final photo session with Jacinta.  Riley wasn't really feeling the outside decor for some reason but she did much better in our house so here are a few of my favorites.  Riley will miss Jacinta so much.  She was so wonderful and caring; its one of the reasons this move is bittersweet. 

Riley with Jacinta...awesome picture

Look at those CHEEKS!

Before we leave, our friends planned the "Emery Fest" where we all met up one last time.  It was so great to see everyone and catch up before heading out West.  We will miss you all and thanks to Macey and Stu for planning the great event!  It was awesome!

Beth, Me and Macey

Nory and Me

Matt, Star, Rob, Leslie, Me, Wendy, Matthews, Bagel

Me, Josh and Macy...Josh is dressed up as "John Boehner"
We will miss everyone so much. We have lived here for 5 1/2 years and have made such wonderful friends.  I said good-bye to my office on Friday and all the people I have worked with and serviced for 5 years.  I will miss Bethesda Naval (I cannot call it Walter Reed at Bethesda yet).  That place does such wonderful things.  Everyday we see the effects of the war...its humbling...very humbling.  We eat lunch at the Wounded Warrior Cafe which is located in the barracks where the amputees stay.  Nothing will make you feel silly for complaining about things like getting a full fat latte instead of a nonfat latte like seeing a triple amputee getting lunch with his wife and newborn daughter.  Nothing.  I will always remember my time at Bethesda Naval and I hope I made some little difference there. 

My next post will come from California!  Like...for sure!

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Latest with Riley Elizabeth

Riley has been busy!  She has learned to roll over:

She has learned to sit up on her own:

She has learned to eat rice cereal:

We couldn't be prouder.  She is growing up so fast that every day is something new.  She loves to make a bunch of sounds and, at times, loves to scream in laughter.  We love it!  She is already in 9 month clothes and is only 5 1/2 months old!!  It's crazy!  We are loving every minute with her.  
**If the video's don't work I will try again later. :(