Monday, January 12, 2015

Halloween and Christmas All In One!

Life has gotten away from me lately and this blog suffered.  Sorry!  One of my resolutions this year is to keep this blog up and post more entries so here we go!

The Fall in San Diego was wonderful; a bit hotter than we anticipated but you can't get too upset at that yet everyone else is under a blanket of snow! 

Halloween is always fun in our little neighborhood.  We decided to go full out and embrace the princess theme this year.  Matt was a knight, I was Pocahontas, Riley was Cinderella and little Harper was Snow White.  We had quite the crew out with us and it looked like we were going to have a blast...until Riley's dress was catching on her shoe and she was getting scared of every decoration we saw.  So I think we went to maybe 5 houses for trick-or-treat.  She went back and handed out candy while the rest of the crew lasted a bit longer.  So I am hopeful that next year we will make it at least to another street besides our own for candy but the dressing up part was super fun. 

Exactly Where Riley Wanted To Be.

Super Cute Pic of Frankie and Maddox

Christmas was very low key for us.  No visitors this year; just us with a tiny tree since Harper would have eaten it if it was on the floor.  Riley loved her new bike (even if it wasn't the Frozen bike she wanted but only a Disney princess themed one) and she really (shockingly) loved her keyboard!  Harper mostly enjoyed eating the wrapping paper and making a super mess out of everything but all-in-all liked the holiday as well.

Harper was eating the wall in the pic.

After Christmas we decided to venture out of our comfort zone and head to the mountains.  For New Years we drove to Big Bear Lake, CA.  So like some kind of cosmic alignment of the planets took place and a large snow storm blew into that sleepy little town and BAM! everyone in the entire state decided to go skiing there.  The one road up there was treacherous!  What was supposed to be a 2 1/2 hour drive was over 5 hours!  We went one mile in an hour!  People the whole way kept stopping to put snow chains on their tires.  We kept on a truckin' and finally got to our cute cabin right before it got dark.  The next day Riley couldn't wait to get in the snow.  She LOVED it and she loved sledding.  Although it was super crowded, Big Bear was pretty awesome and it was definitely a nice change of scenery. 

Me and My Sweet Baby Harper....I'm savoring this moments