Saturday, July 7, 2012

Summer Time!

It's been such a fun Summer so far.  Both Matt and I had some work travel but we found time to still explore San Diego a bit more.  We started out the month of June going to an ACC Pig Pickin' event down in Mission Bay Park where we got to meet other ACC Alum's (mostly UVA peeps...I think I was the only one representing FSU).  But it was still fun to get out and see fellow East Coast peeps. 

Riley absolutely LOVES to swim.  She took some swim lessons at the YMCA and ever since she just can't get enough of the water so in our backyard jacuzzi we let her get her energy out with a bunch of splashing.

Matt had a great Father's Day hanging with Riley.  We have a park up the street that she loves to go to and so does Hershey.  There is always plenty of friendly dogs for Hershey to run around with there. 
A few of my favorite things.

I had to go to Southbridge, MA for work and so I extended my trip by a day to hang with the Sakraida's!  Brooke and Mike were in the middle of the move to the 'burbs while I was there but it was a wonderful visit!  I helped them pack up a bit but also got to see their North End neighborhood in Boston before leaving the city.  I LOVE Boston!  It was my first time ever being there and I have to say its one of my favorite cities.  I can't wait to meet lil' Sak when he or she is born!  Good luck to the Sakraida's!!! :)

While Matt had to travel for work to Paris and London (yeah...don't feel too sorry for him), I headed to the San Diego Beer Festival that was at the Del Mar Fairgrounds with my coworker Francesca.  We had quite the commute there (took us two hours to travel 15 miles) so we ended up only being at the actual Beer Festival for an hour (boo).  But we still had a good time.  There was alot of beer to try and we did our best to get as many in before we had to leave.
To make up for Matt missing the Beer Festival, we headed on a Brewery Tour of our own to the Port Brewing/Lost Abbey in San Marcos and Stone Brewing for his birthday celebration.  We went on a Sunday so let me just was a TOUGH day at work on Monday.  We may be a bit too old to be bar hoping on a Sunday night.  But we had an awesome time. 

So instead of being in DC for the 4th, we had to reschedule our trip back East since Matt's parents were still out of power by Wednesday.  Note to self: next year visit DC in Spring or Fall as those are the best seasons back East.  Invite friends and family to La Jolla for Winter and Summer.  We are very sad that we had to reschedule our trip.  We were SO excited to see all of our friends and visit with family.  But all can wait until July 25th I hope.  We stayed in town for the 4th which was pretty low key.  It was gorgeous weather here.  We just want to be outside all day!  Hopefully when we visit DC it won't be 100 degrees like it is right now.  We hope to bring the cool breeze with us when we visit in a few weeks! 

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